
The Great Kielce Knowledge Test under the auspices of Targi Kielce

02 june 2011
Te second edition this Sunday, 4th June
The Main Concert Hall of Kielce Culture Centre will be the venue of The Great Kielce Knowledge Test; the event held for the second time which commences this Saturday, at 4 p.m. sharp. The questions about the region, its history and geology will be read out by one of the most recognisable radio voices of Swietokrzyskie Region – Barłomiej Zapała. The contest participants will be required to answer 40 questions in four series. And the time to deliver the answer is only 15 seconds!

Very attractive prizes have been prepared for the winners and among them lap-tops, electronic equipment and trips to Brussels sponsored by Swietokrzyskie MP’s – Róża Thun and Bogusław Sonik. A special prize – a one-year course of English has been founded by Perfect; the English language school. The prize will be presented to the contest participant from the age group of 7 – 18 years old who makes the fewest mistakes.

The Kielce participants who take part in the test will be accompanied by Kielce artists, politicians, sports people and journalists. They will be competing in the exclusive VIP category and they can win themselves a specially designed statue; from this year on this is a special distinction for the VIP who knows Kielce best.

The Programme Board of the Great Test is resided by Jan Główka PhD, the Director of Kielce History Museum.

Targi Kielce is the patron of the campaign.

For more information and the details of the contest please go to www.wielkitest.pl