
The International Year of Forests 2011

28 february 2011
Join the LAS-EXPO fair to celebrate


During the 61st session of the General Assembly of UNO on 20th December 2006 the year 2011 was declared to be the International Year of Forests. All UNO members with their government bodies, non governmental organisations, private sectors and other bodies were called to form a collaborative partnership to raise the awareness on sustainable forest management, protection and sustainable development of all types of forests. The logo of the forest year and its fundamental message Forests for the People demonstrate how important are the forests for existence and wellbeing of 7 billion people al over the world.

This year, declared the International Year of Forests is an ideal opportunity to present the information about the state of European forests. The forested area of our continent is constantly increasing; the forest condition is improving owing to the proper forest management. The situation of Polish forests is similar. The forestation rate in our country has increased from the level of 21% in 1945 up to 29% at present. The national programme to increase the forestation rare is aimed at further increase up to 30% in 2020 and 33% in 2050.

Significance of forests for people’s lifestyle.
The International Year of Forests is also a chance to demonstrate the significant importance of the forests in people’s life. The forests which are managed according to the rules of stable and sustainable economy are the source of oxygen, wood and energy. The forest sector of economy generates numerous place of employment, it provides various services and commodities. Forests add to the biological diversity and positively influence the environment. Forests are the place where many people live or rest.

Celebration of the International Year of Forests
A number of events will accompany this holiday of forests, and many of these events have been prepared by Radom Regional Directorate of State Forests National Forest Holding (RDPL). It will be a chance to show the good condition of our forests and their significance for local communities. This is also one of the objectives of this year’s edition of The Holiday of Polish Forget-me-not. In the area managed by the Radom directorate a number of facilities which support forest management will be commissioned this year. Diverse events to promote forest tourism and recreation will also take place. To celebrate the International Year of Forests there will be organised The Foresters’ Cross Country Tour in RDPL forests.