
The KIDS’ TIME – the first Poland’s trade fair

20 december 2011
Already listed in the TOY INDUSTRIES of EUROPE calendar of events


The 3rd International Fair of Toys and Products for Mother and Child KIDS TIME (CZAS DZIECKA) will be held in targi Kielce from 2nd to 4th March 2012. It is the first Polish trade fair listed at the TOY INDUSTRIES of EUROPE web site .

TOY INDUSTRIES of EUROPE is the trade association for the European toy industry - it also provides a unique source of information for the toy industry in Europe. TIE works to promote the value of toys and play in the psychological, physical and social development of children and to raise awareness of the positive role that toys play in society. TIE offers its members a platform for discussing issues that are central to the toy sektor, it also provides its members with information and advice on legislative developments and challenges to the industry.

TOY INDUSTRIES of EUROPE's objectives include ensuring that only safe toys are put on the market, that these toys have been ethically manufactured, that IPR rights in the broadest sense are respected. The organisation has established itself as the authoritative voice of the industry and a partner for dialogue with European and international policymakers and other stakeholders.