
The most beautiful dogs have come to Kielce

21 november 2011
Over 3400 dogs from 30 countries exhibited in Kielce

The most beautiful dog of the exhibition is presented with this impressive cup, the so-called BIS will. This year the cup will go to Lublin alongside with the winner - Purple Rain, 2,5 year old  female dog (photo Aleksander Piekarski)

3400 male and female dogs have come to Kielce; and although the competition ratings were given on a few dozens of rings, still the procedure took two days. The cups and medals awaited the most beautiful exhibits; the trophies displayed on a table looked really impressive.

Representatives of 30 countries have come to Kielce. Lolita Tilindiene from Lithuania was really glad as her dog has become a champion; and Lolita has used this occasion to buy her a red winter coat. Lolita’s friend who has accompanied her at the exhibition has a 15-month female dog Kiss My Princesse From; they have won the best junior title. Petite dogs, however are not an exclusive women’s speciality. Jarosław Guciński from Poznań marched into the exhibition halls clasping a miniature Bolognese named Charli. – My friend used to have quite a similar dog; I was under the charm of its character, that is the way he described the little dog he has been presenting in Kielce for the first time in the youngest dog category: baby.

The same category, however the dogs are much bigger - Rhodesian Ridbeck. Ringericke Duch Romance from Kielce was doing exceptionally well and his owner Piotr Sobierajewicz could nit just hide how happy he was when the favourable rating results were announced

Andrzej Halicki; a politician, economist, entrepreneur, Polish MP was also really glad; he and his wife were presenting two German mastiffs. - These dog breeds have been in my family for generations and I just cannot imagine having any other kind of dog – he admits. He has 6 dogs and a cat at home. Maraschino and Nerina were ranked second.

Antonina Skop cannot imagine having any other kind of dog than long-haired dachshund – They are so cuddly, calm, lovely dogs - she said when preparing Amarillo to enter the ring. Gabriela Lazar form Rybnik stepped down the ring contented although her Grey Amery did not really feel like running – He always walks like a duke - she said with a smile.

The owner of Guga and Wikonta, the mother and her daughter of Bernese mountain dog breed and many time championship winners, is utterly convinced that these are the best dogs in the world; Their character is simply wonderful, it is hard to find a more dedicated dog – she said.

Anna Klikowicz from Kielce appreciates agile spontaneity and zeal to work of her border collie Isza’s – We practice agility: every time we go for a walk we take some exercise and once a week we go to practice at the track – she says – and Isza has just passed her assistance dog examination. And at this exhibition, alongside with all the other border collie dogs, she was showing off her ability to jump and to catch small flying objects, gaining at the same time general admiration.

The fair attendants were also given the possibility to watch the police dogs working in addition to the shepherds dog herding sheep and ducks. We must admit that they were brilliant.

The dog exhibition was accompanied by the guinea pig exhibition with 54 animals put on display including the long-haired guinea pigs, long haired or curly-hair texels and completely hairless ones – These animals are really lovely, so easy to establish contact with and outgoing – assures Katarzyna Palka the owner of a couple of guinea pigs. – As I do not have a proper place to keep a dog I decided to go for guinea pigs and I have no regrets – she added.

On the last day of the event, after the most beautiful dogs in the nine categories had been selected, the most beautiful dog of the exhibition was selected among the winners. The Siberian husky named Purple Rain was pronounced the great victor. The dog came to Kielce from Lublin accompanied by his carers Bartosz and Łukasz Staszak; they deal in husky breeding. The victory in Kielce was not the first one during the 2,5 years of the dog’s life. This year she has also been pronounced Poland’s most beautiful dog. What does such a dog, a many title and accolade holder, like? – Running along with a bicycle; running is her element – say the dog’s owners. The dog will be given some rest as an award.

Source: echodnia.eu, Lidia Cichocka