
"The most important thing - honesty and communication simplicity." Funeral Instagramer Agnieszka Beczek is the NECROEXPO featured guest
Agnieszka Beczek met the NECROEXPO visitors to talk about the effective promotion of a funeral home, but also the promotion of the industry in social media. As she says, the most important things are honesty and openness. She mentions that her every Instagram post includes, apart from the usual comments of surprised and sometimes disgusted people, touching confessions about the death of loved ones. They mention how much Agnieszka's account helped them get through this difficult period. Of course, there is lots of hate, especially since the funeral industry is an extremely easy target of hatred. However, she advises not to worry about malicious comments.
- If we believe in what we do, we are proud of what we do and we have a need to share our knowledge with others, we should keep on doing what we believe in; haters will always be haters and you should accept it.
Agnieszka Beczek sees social media as not only a promotional opportunity, but also as the way to educate the general public.
- The vast majority of people have no idea what it means to work in a funeral home; I learned it owing to my Instagram account. It's no wonder - an average person statistically visits a funeral home twice in their life. However, this ignorance triggered many myths related to our work, including that gravediggers are drunkards and morgue workers stink of corpses. However, the funeral industry is used to secrecy and very reluctant to reveal any secrets of the profession. So, unnecessarily - by speaking about our profession, we can enhance the image of the funeral industry. We can also help people get used to the thought that death and related issues are there - says Agnieszka.
The Influencer also mentioned the problem of funeral homes decor.
- Many companies have a problem with the outdated and, even worse, the spooky decor of the premises, with purple and blacks colours that dominate the interior. There are ubiquitous coffins. Staff finds nothing strange about the sight of funeral paraphernalia; however, an average person, having recently experienced the death of a loved one may feel overwhelmed upon entering a funeral home and seeing a collection of coffins and urns and a mannequin with a suit for the deceased. A client often leaves such a place more depressed than before.
She argues that a modern funeral home should not be a scary, but a soothing experience.
- It is worth referring to the latest trends in, interior design. Become more like a modern facility, e.g. loft office. This helps avoid shock. It is also worth considering the interior's colours. For example, replace dark shades with pastels and purple and creamy paint.
After the meeting, those interested could talk to Agnieszka Beczek and exchange their observations on promoting the funeral industry on social media.
This year's NECRO EXPO continues until 5 June – join us at Targi Kielce.