
The National Finals of the Young Farmers Olympiad 2010 at the AGROTECH fair

07 march 2011
Young people who are vitally interested in farming will compete to win the competition laures

1200 contestants from all over Poland have taken part in the selection phase for the Olympiad

On March 10th and 11th, during AGROTECH fair The National Finals of the Young Farmers Olympiad 2010 will be held. 80 contestants selected in Voivodeship Finals in all voivodeships of Poland will take part in the III and at the same time the last phase of the competition.

The National Finals will be composed of two parts. In the first part the contestants will sit for a written test and then will solve a practical problem. 10 best contestants selected in this session will take part in the second phase of the National Finals held in the Conference Centre of Targi Kielce on 11th March.

Almost 1200 young people have taken part in the Voivodeship Finals in all Polish voivodeships. The contestants of the second phase showed considerable expertise in animal farm production, plant production, agricultural engineering, environment protection and renewable energy sources, economics and management, Health and Safety in agriculture, the problems of European Union funds and Common Agricultural Policy for the years 2007 – 2013. The best contestants were selected and qualified to take part in the National Finals.

This year’s edition of the Olympiad has been granted the honorary patronage of:
  • The Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development– Mr. Marek Sawicki
  • Świętokrzyskie Voivodeship Marshal – Mr. Adam Jarubas
  • The President of the National Council of Agricultural Chambers – Mr. Wiktor Szmulewicz
The scientific patron of the contest University of Agriculture in Krakow – the Faculty of Production and Power Engineering.

The National Finals of the Young Farmers Olympiad 2010 is also supported by:
  • Świętokrzyskie Advisory Centre for Agriculture in Modliszewice
  • Targi Kielce
  • The Agency for Restructuring and Modernisation of Agriculture
  • Bronisze - Warsaw Agricultural and Food Wholesale Stock Exchange S.A.