

13 june 2011
The exhibitions and the conferences which accompany the trade fairs have been officially declared open by the Apostolic Nuncio to Poland His Excellency Bishop Celestino Migliore

The fairs have been officially declared open by the Apostolic Nuncio to Poland His Excellency Bishop Celestino Migliore

The honorary gests of SACROEXPO 2011, one of the largest trade fairs in Europe devoted to sacral art, is the Apostolic Nuncio to Poland His Excellency Bishop Celestino Migliore. At the fair inauguration ceremony the Nuncio said – Truth, Beauty and the Good are the three interchangeable values which complement one another and thus one can practice beauty in the place of good, and this exhibition focuses on beauty.

Kielce Bishop HE Kazimierz Ryczan also partook in the opening ceremony – Holiness cannot be concealed, and holiness is wherever the artists are – the Bishop recapitulated his speech

This year’s SACROEXPO – The International Exhibition of Church Construction, Church Fittings and Furnishings and Religious Art is the twelfth edition of the fair. It is held in Targi Kielce from 13th to 15th June 2011. And for the second time SACROEXPO is accompanied by The European Exhibition of New Museum Technologies, Art Conservation and National Heritage -EXPOSITIO.

This year’s edition of this exhibition devoted to the sector of sacral products and services has brought together over 300 architecture, interior design and construction companies from over a dozen of countries, including Romania and the distant United States represented here for the first time. On the first day of the fair the distinction of the prestigious Pontifical Council for Culture “Per Artem ad Deum” is awarded – the SACROEXPO in Targi Kielce is the only place in the world where this distinction is presented. For the seventh time the artist who brings people closer to the Sacrum will be presented with this distinction. The “Per Artem ad Deum” medal – through art to God will go into the hands of “Polish Gaudi” – Stanisław Niemczyk; the artist, architect and the creator of exceptional churches.

This year’s Church products and services exhibition provides a unique chance to visit the exceptional Mobile Papal Museum (exhibition hall G) – the 18-metre long truck full of John Paul II memorabilia; and among them the shoes John Paul II was wearing, his cassock, skull-cap, vest-cardigan which he used to wear when travelling on cold winter days, the breviary and the rosary. The memorabilia have been donated for the exhibition by Cardinal Stanisław Dziwisz, Archdiocese Museum in Krakow, Metropolitan Curia in Krakow. Some of them have never been on exhibition before. The trade fair visitors have the chance to become familiar with the latest developments in the sacral building construction, fittings and decorations as well as conservation techniques. The exhibition will also feature the latest technologies in the design and maintenance of church yard greenery, church renovation and church building adaptation for the specific special conditions.