The sponsors' presentations on the first day of the Roof Forum
The presentation of the Strategic Sponsor - BLACHOTRAPZ - BTR Systems from the BLACHOTRAPEZ group. BTR Systems - producer of roof coverings with rock aggregate. As part of the "SATISFACTION FORGED IN STONE" panel, the following speakers are the featured guests: Piotr Bieniara, Sales Director at BTR Systems and Jarosław Pawelec, Sales Director at BTR Systems. Blachotrapez’ development.
"Are we witnessing a revolution in gutter systems?" This was the title of the presentation of the Gold Sponsor of Roof Forum - the Blachy Pruszyński brand. This presentation delivered by Mirosław Szwarc from the PRUSZYŃSKI Academy of Crafts in front of numerous audience.
CB COROTOP is the Silver Sponsor of this year's event. Sebastian Staniszewski, Marketing Director of the Corotop said why it is worth choosing the products of this brand.
2nd Congress and Expo for Roofers, Tinsmiths and Carpenters finishes at 5. We look forwards to seeing you at Targi Kielce's expo.