
They are the champions

30 september 2011
The medal winners and the companies awarded with distinctions at the METAL, ALUMINIUM & NONFERMET and CONTROL-TECH fairs

The laureates of the METAL, ALUMINIUM & NONFERMET and CONTROL-TECH fairs

The gala ceremony of award presentation for the best products displayed at the fairs devoted to foundry engineering as well as the distinctions and medals for the best exhibition stand arrangement, elegance and original style of presentation held in the assembly hall of the Congress Hotel is the event all the exhibitors were waiting for.

This year the jury panels decided to award an exceptional number of medals and distinctions – the METAL and ALUMINIUM & NONFERMET fairs alone account for twenty laureates; this was complemented with the CONTROL-TECH exhibitors and the companies which won the laurels for the exhibition stand arrangement.

The Targi Kielce distinction presentation was just one part of the very pleasant evening – the gala of the foundry engineering fairs was also the chance to celebrate the 75th anniversary of the Technical Association of Polish Foundrymen and the 10-year presence of tow companies - the Institute of Non-Ferrous Metals from Gliwice and the Promotional Agency METALE at the ALUMINIUM & NONFERMET fairs.

Sincere congratulations to all the laureates.