

20 june 2012
The finals of the XII Religious Song Festival Kielce 2012

The youngest festival contestant – five-year-old Julia Wójcik of the

Repertoire selection, voice production and clear pronunciation, creative musical arrangement, performance and the general artistic sense – these are just some of the criteria the jury panel used to assess the bands which have been qualified for the finals of the 12th Religious Song Festival. There were seventeen bands all in all performing on the large stage of the Kielce Culture Centre in both age categories – below 13 and above 13 years of age; they represented Kielce parishes and schools

The jury panel was composed of Fr Andrzej Kaszycki – Curia Chancellor of Kielce Diocese, Jerzy Szczyrba – a musician, conductor and the lecturer at Jan Kochanowski University in Kilece , Marzena Ślusarska – a jazz singer, Agnieszka Wicha - Dauksza – Targi Kilece Marketing and Public Relations Department Director, Łukasz Mazur – a musician, pianist, composer and music arranger, Wiesław Góra – the president of “Vanax” Music Centre. The jury chose the festival winners:

Children bands category (up to 13 years of age):
I place - „EXODUS” of the Blessed Jerzy Matulewicz parish in Kielce
II place - „SCHOLA GLORIA” of the Saint Vincent Palloti in Kielce
III place – „SCHOLA ANGELUS” - of the Transfiguration of Jesus Parish in Kielce Białogon

Youth bands category (over 13 years of age):
I place – „CELESTICA” of Saint Joseph Parish in Bieliny
II place – „AD LIBITUM” of the Catholic School Complex of Kielce Diocese in Kielce
III place – „KAPPUCINO BAND” of Saint Francis of Assisi Parish in Kielce

Following the previous years’ example Targi Kielce has awarded its statuette and a plush teddy bear toy. The “little performer ”BEZ PRZESADY” (No Exaggeration) Band; the youngest festival vontestant – five years’ old Julia Wójcik of the “PEREŁKI” (Pearls) band was presented with the teddy bear.

The contest finals featured a performance of a youth band SOUND’N’GRACE. If not for the few hours’ competition and thus the participants’ tiredness, the young artists would have carry on singing on the stage. The concerts was given an enthusiastic and emotional welcome, the public awarded the performers with numerous standing ovations to blow off the steam.