
“Unquestionably AGROTECH is Poland’s business sector leader”

08 march 2013
Gale opening of Poland’s largest farming expo

Deputy Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development Tadeusz Nalewajk: I wish to congratulate the organisers for the fact that they have created this exceptional place

“On behalf of the Ministry I wish to congratulate the AGROTECH organisers for the fact that they have created such a significant exhibition and thus have gained the position of the leader among all agricultural expos – said Tadeusz Nalewajk, Undersecretary of Sate at the Ministy of Agriculture and Rural Development – I have been rally glad to observe this exhibition grow as this is a clear indicator that the sector of agriculture is doing really well. And the numbers also support this opinion – 8 billion has already been distributed within the framework of the Rural Development Programme; with the share of 6 billion spent in the sector of tractors and a further million on accessories. The market is ready and open; and this is yet another reason for us to be content”.

The opening ceremony was given splendour owing to the presence of the Head of the Regional State Forests Directorate Mr Tomasz Sot, the representative of the Chief Labour Inspector Jakub Chojnicki as well as the delegates of municipal and regional governments.

The AGROTECH and LAS-EXPO exhibitions will also host the Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development Stanisław Kalemba. The minister’s briefing will take place at 1.30 p.m. in the E exhibition hall.

The trade fairs continue until Sunday, 10th March. AGROTECH is Poland’s most frequented business sector exhibition – last year’s event brought together 55,000 guests.