
Vintage busses on display

11 july 2013
Unique motorisation exhibits showcased at the TRANSEXPO

The exhibition makes is possible to become familiar with various bus models manufactured in different periods of the 20th century

Jelcz, San, Ikarus or Chausson – these are the leading bus makes of the exhibition held from 17th to 19th September; the event has been designed to make the 11th International Fair of Public Transport TRANSEXPO even more attractive.

The exhibit range encompasses Jelcz 021, Ikarus 280, Jelcz 043, Jelcz M-11, Chausson AH48 – KMKM/MZA Warszawa and San H-01 – Autosan. However the display is going to feature a special treat – the open-top Jelcz 043 of 1976. The exhibits come from Krakow, Poznan, Warsaw, Białystok, Nowy Sącz. The bus exhibition is organised by the TRANSEXPO co-organised - Izba Gospodarcza Komunikacji Miejskiej (the Economic Chamber of Municipal Transport). The event is held under the auspices of Klub Miłośników Komunikacji Miejskiej (Public Transport Aficionados Club).

The exhibition will also be accompanied with fringe events and workshops. The programme encompasses: bus route serviced vintage bus fleet, repair technologies and techniques for vintage vehicles, arts workshops for children, first aid demonstrations, film presentations and photography competition.

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