The Cooperation Agreement was signed by Vice President of Targi Kielce Bozena Staniak, Targi Kielce President of Board Andrzej Mochon PhD, KS Vive Targi Kielce President Bertus Servaas and the Vice President of KS Vive Targi Kielce Marian Urban


28 august 2014
The exhibition and congress centre's and the sport club's Members of the Boards signed the new cooperation agreement

 The co-operation of the Club and Targi Kielce is designed for mutual promotion. The agreement was signed for the three years' period.

 -   Targi Kielce and Vive is a good combination. Both institutions have recently become members of Europe's champion's league. Also owing to handball Targi Kielce has e become a recognizable brand in Germany; not only is Targi Kielce seen as a sponsor of the team but also as a leading exhibitions and conferences organizer. The team's prestige, new players and a coach require increased   financial resources. Targi Kielce can still support the team, but as a result of its facilities' expansion and modernization scheme the financial conditions have changed. However, we will still be Vive's strongest supporter. We shall keep the logo on T-shirts; and for the time being we are also a part of the Club's brand. However, if a rich partner joins in, we are ready to change to switch to the bench and yield the naming sponsorship rights.   - explains Andrzej Mochoń, Targi Kielce President of the Management Board at the press conference.

 The president of KS Vive Targi Kielce Bertus Servaas stressed -   It has been and still will be a great collaboration. When it started five years ago Vive had nothing; and Targi Kielce took a chance on us. Thank you very much for that. Our ambition is to win the top of the podium in Europe; we wish the same to Targi Kielce.