
Vive Targi Kielce stand the chance of being promoted to the Masters League

06 july 2011
EHF decided. Wildcard tornament to be held in Kielce!

In the picture the pivot of Vive Targi Kielce Rastko Stojkovic attacking the Slovenian goal defended by Gorenje Velenje

Until last Friday (Jly 1st) the clubs whose teams art to compete in the Wildcard Tournament had the chance to submit their applications to the EHF – European Handball Federation, to organise the qualifying round for the Champions League. And each of the clubs which were interested in the playoffs organisation was supposed to meet a number of requirements lay down by the Federation. – Today, just after 3 p.m. we received the formal letter informing us that the tournament will be held in Kielce – says Paweł Papaj, Kielce Club marketing manager. – The Federation analysed the possibility of holding the games in various venues, but as we learned form the letter, we have been the only one complying with the whole condition set, which was the prerequisite to organise the tournament. And we have been give a helping hand from Polsat, among others.

It is by no means easy to meet the requirements of EHF. Alongside the tournament organisation costs the organiser is supposed to cover, there are some other expenses, such as accommodation for all the tournament participants, transport services and training session venue provision. Additionally a national TV station was supposed to issue their guarantee that they will be able to provide TV coverage of each match and make the TV transmission signal available.

Just to remind you, the Wildcard Tournament will be held on 3rd and 4th September with Vive Targi Kielce versus Spanish Valladolid and German Rhein Neckar versus French Dunkirk playing in the semi-finals. The games start times are still to be announced.