
Vive Targi Kielce the leader again

17 june 2011
The team is the most popular among all Polish hand-ball clubs

Vive Targi Kielce is the eight-time winner of Polish Cup

The opinion pool survey was performed at the request of Polish Handball Asscociation in May 2011 by Pentagon Research. The project called HANDBALL-fan.profile which comprised the group of 1987 fans clearly shows that the most popular Poland’s handball team is Vive Targi Kielce. The “yellow-white-blue” team members enjoy the score of 44,1% in the popularity contest. To draw the comparison - SPR BRW Stal Mielec came second in the ranking and scored 11,3%, and Orlen Wisła Płock was third in the standing with the result of 10,2 %.

- The survey results come as no surprise to us. The Kielce team has been predominant in the league for the last two seasons. Now the challenge for Kielce Team is to face up to this level of popularity. The matches with Orlen Wisła Płock showed that there is the other powerfule team in Poland – syays Michał Gradzik from Pentagon Research. – The sports results of 2011/2012 season will b crucial for the teams to keep up this level of interest and popularity as they can help achieve a good result – adds Michał Gradzik who has been involved in the survey in the Pentagon Research. He also points out the fact that new, popular players will join the Kielce team in 2011/2012 season. – I am talking about Sławomir Szmal, for instance, one of the most popular hand ball players in Poland. If his popularity is well utilised in the team promotion, this will also contribute to Vive Targi Kielce popularity increase.

The result diagram is available here.