
WĘDKOMANIA – the first presentation and the competition

13 november 2012
The BiK publishing house to present its latest publication – Poland – PZW Fishing Waters Guide

WĘDKOMANIA - Atlas wód wędkarskich

The BiK publishing house has published, inter alia, 25 PZW (Polish Angling Association) district maps. BiK’s new publication - Poland – PZW Fishing Waters Guide is to be out soon; the first presentation is to take place at the WĘDKOMANIA trade fair.

The atlas is an innovative publication as it contains 45 maps of all Poland’s PZW districts as well as the PZW Fishing Farm in Suwałki with PZW fishing waters delineation. The publication is accompanied with the map of Poland where the particular districts are marked. The publication is of B4 size (24x34 cm); the fold-out maps of 34x48 cm make it possible to show all the waters of a particular district – even the smallest ones.

The atlas has been designed to the following layout: the ZG PZW presentation with contact data and the map of Warsaw where the headquarters is presented; the history of angling in Polish land, the PZW statutory activities and angling and fishing photographs. This part is followed with the presentation of particular districts; the information is presented in alphabetical order and comprises of contact data, location of the district headquarters, a general description and waters’ characteristics, limitations and most important information on the district. This is accompanied with the detailed map of all waters, the waters’ list and their location. The atlas contains 184 pages, half of these are maps.

If you buy the book at the WĘDKOMANIA exhibition held from 16th to 18th November you can win yourself a DRAGON fishing pole.

The lottery will conclude on 18th November 2012 at 16.00.

You cannot miss it!