
With the eye on aficionados

12 february 2014
Historical Reenactment to take place this March

Historical reenactments shape and develop patriotic attitudes. Not only is knowledge related to historic events presented in an attractive way, the event stimulated the audiences’ involvement. This kind of activity has yet another important role to play as it engages seniors and the youth and thus creates bonds between generations. Patriotic values are affirmed through all kinds of reenactment campaigns. Such movements deserve recognition and support – the company thus develops the image of a supporter to the modern and reasonable patriotism.

The event programme is targeted at almost 600 reenactment groups which operate all over Poland as well as historical reenactment aficionados from the neighbouring countries. The event encompasses, inter alia the exhibition of reenactment groups’ achievements as well as a display of companies which provide services for reenactment groups in addition to the conference on Reanimated History – historical, legal and technical aspects of historical reenactment. Reconstruction enthusiasts who operate within the perimeter of the former Second Polish Republic can enter the COP-2014 Laurel Contest - the event with an explicit reference to the Central Industrial Region’s (COP) traditions, the lace where defence industry companies have operated.

The Historical Reenactments Forum is held under the auspices of a number of culture and education institutions which also provide their substantive and technical support. The list includes the Kielce History Museum, Ośrodek Myśli Patriotycznej i Obywatelskiej (The Patriotic and Civic Ideas Centre), the Museum of the Polish Army, Muzeum Oręża Polskiego (the Museum of Polish Arms) from Kołobrzeg, the Polish History Museum, Muzeum Orła Białego (the White Eagle Museum), the Central Millitary Library.

The History Institute students of Jan Kochanowski University in Kielce will work as volunteers at the event.