
Żubr (Bison) Świstak (Groundhog) and Black Eye; what’s new at MSPO

02 september 2011
They all will have their debut at MSPO


Multi-task armoured vehicles, multi-spectral thermal traps, airport navigation lighting, explosive warehouse, and many other attractive exhibits will be waiting for the trade fair guests at the 19th International Defence Industry Exhibition MSPO.

The intriguing Black Eye series of MACTRONIC company based in Wrocław will be represented at this year’s fair by the MX112L and 3vAA MX122L models. Besides them the company from Wrocław will also be presenting the latest model of Explorer MX233L-RC. Designed for the most demanding clients; compact size, light weight and equipped with the double light beam, the so called Profocus, they are a perfect solution as facility torches with the emergency lighting system as well as patrol flash-lights and the traffic direction lights.

The AMZ-KUTNO company will present Żubr – the ARGUS model designed for the Police and the ŚWISTAK – multitask armoured vehicle. The SHIBA – a vehicle used for surveillance and clearing mines as well as Toyota Land Cruiser 200 V8are also on the company’s offer.

The novelties presented at the fair will also encompass the products of the Italian company ALENIA AERMACCHI: Model M-346(1:S). The “Jakusz” Bank Protection System will make the trade fair guests familiar with the containerised storage for explosive material. The offer of MEGMAR LOGISTIC & CONSULTING is also very interesting, their exhibition stand will be the showcase for all-around navigation lighting - OREL LED, multi-spectral thermal traps M211, vests for helicopter crew PSGC, mobile, flexible road surfaces FAUN TRACKWAY, helmets used in aviation HGU-55/P (for airplane crews) and HGU-56 (for helicopter airplane crews) in addition to MBU-20/P oxygen mask.