AGROTECH (8-10.03.2024)
29th International Fair of Agricultural Techniques AGROTECH
About the event
Agriculture 4.0 in its full glory. Agrotech 2024 - the variety of innovative technologies delighted the visitors
- Today, we carefully watch 520 companies from 17 countries; they have come here to showcase their offer in our expo halls. Agrotech - no longer do we speak about development; that's an understatement. Today, breakthrough defines the Expo – said Doctor Andrzej Mochoń, president of the management board of Targi Kielce, upon opening the 29th International Agricultural Technology Fair at Targi Kielce. - For the first time in five years, the number of exhibitors exceeded 500; today we welcome 70 more companies than last year; we find it a breakthrough since the pandemic, i.e. since 2020. 17 countries are represented by companies from Austria, Denmark, the Czech Republic, Finland, France, Greece, Spain, India, Ireland, Latvia, Germany, Slovenia, Switzerland, Great Britain and Italy. Of course, the largest number of companies are Polish enterprises. We are proud that we have been a valuable cooperation partner for you for many years – President Andrzej Mochoń shared his reflection with the exhibitors.
The companies have prepared technological solutions of a groundbreaking nature. Naver before have we had so many precision farming solutions at the Agrotech; what is more, we witness the advent of the era of artificial intelligence. Automation, robotisation, and multifunctionality are the future of agricultural technology. - Agriculture must be profitable, because agriculture requires inputs; the modern machines that we will see at the trade fair seek their prospective owners - said Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development, Czesław Siekierski.
Global and Polish premieres - the Agrotech 2024
For the first time in Targi Kielce, the Precision Agriculture Zone was created; this section was prepared by Wanicki Agro in conjunction with the John Deere brand. The Farmsystems company presented its innovative machines at the Kielce trade fair. Ullmann optical weed-removing cultivator; the most modern AI/Machine Learning platform available on the market premiered in Kielce. Autonomous robots, navigation panels and agriculture 4.0 solutions were presented by Vantage Polska.
New products, such as the Maestro TX precision seeder from Horsch, the SIP - DISC HD 1000 D Fs rear mower combination, the Monosem precision seeder from Wanicki Agro, and the Alpha Titanium sprayer model from Hardii were also packed with solutions, allowing for exceptional work precision. Innovative solutions for farms also included equipment such as silos and even... buildings; Skavska Hale presented functional, modern agricultural halls.
Fertiliser companies with new products at the Kielce agricultural trade show
Manufacturers of fertilisers and plant protection products also respond to the challenges in agriculture; Agrotech showcased the latest products by BASF, Timac Agro, and Yara. Industria presented Dewonit; the fertiliser lime for soil deacidification, with a high magnesium content. Ampol - Merol, Caldena's latest product - MicroSpeed® Energy, a special-purpose foliar fertiliser with the revolutionary IRC technology was also available. Presentations were complemented by an offer of seed material and feed for farm animals.
Discussions on new programs for farmers - a part of Agrotech knowledge pack
Poland's most popular influencers join Agrotech
The presentation of the latest technologies and the knowledge dissemination were enhanced by by unique meetings. Visitors were eager to meet famous YouTubers, tiktokers and TV show stars in real life. Many fans were attracted by the Mafia Solec Team, AgroKinia, Bieszczadskie Rolnictwo, Sierota z Traktora, Paweł Snela, Dorisanka, Weronika and Marlena Załoga, Tomasz Klimkowski - Świętokrzyski Rolnik, Kamila Boś, Formacja Fenomen, Niemen Team, Piotr Boberek, i.e. bobcok_sie_zno. Meeting with the Rolnik NIEprofesjonalnym [NON-professional Farmer] and the Rolnik na Każdą Okazję [Farmer For Every Occasion] were the source of excitement. The popular farmers referred to the situation of farmers, talked about how they record videos and how helpful is driving a tractor using GPS whe preparing new clips. – Agrotech came as a surprise regarding the crowd of guests today. This is a very big event - said the farmers, emphasising the importance of meetings and conversations with other business insiders. Many fans also had the opportunity to meet Mariusz Pudzianowski, an MMA fighter who also runs a farm.
Numerous Agrotech guests - visitors and exhibitors, emphasised that the event's unique values are spiced up with energetic atmosphere. We look forward to seeing you at the 30th International Fair of Agricultural Technology AGROTECH from 14 to 16 March 2025 at Targi Kielce!