ALUMINIUM & NONFERMET (20-22.09.2022)

17th International Fair of Aluminium & Technology, Materials and Non-Ferrous Metal Products ALUMINIUM & NONFERMET





ALUMINUM & NONFERMET - an indispensable element of the "Targi Kielce Industrial Autumn."

The International Fair of Technologies for Foundry METAL offer is complemented and Enhanced with the ALUMINUM & NONFERMET expo; the show has become an inseparable element of the "Targi Kielce Industrial Autumn".

If your company offers new technologies, modern machinery and equipment used in non-ferrous metals industry, as well as raw materials, components and materials used in metallurgical processes, the expo is a must-attend event. Feel welcome to be a part of the show. Visitors willingly visit the expo stands, which showcase aluminium and zinc alloys pressure casting; aluminium processing companies will come in abundance at the expo. The "Industrial Autumn" expo cluster has been a permanent fixture in the business calendar of leading companies related to the broadly defined foundry and casting.

The event was held within the scope of the "Targi Kielce Industrial Autumn", as a part of the trade-show cluster comprising  The International Fair of Technologies for Foundry Metal, the Heat Treatment Trade Fair and the CONTROL-TECH - the Fair of Industrial Measuring Technology and Non-Destructive Testing, the Recycling of Non-Ferrous Metal Expo.

We look forward to seeing you at the upcoming ALUMINIUM & NONFERMET show at Targi Kielce - save the date for September 2024. We do hope to see you!


19 january 2023
The European Foundry Association (CAEF) has elected its new president, and starting 2023, the position is taken over by Milko Milanov.
08 november 2022
The Polish Foundryman's Day is the most important event for Poland’s foundry industry. For several years this holiday has also been an important event on the international arena, as evidenced by the growing number of foreign participants we see each year. Targi Kielce is related to the foundry industry owing to its METAL expo and the accompanying "Industrial Autumn" event cluster. The expo centre has been honoured the title of the silver sponsor of the Day.
21 september 2022
On the second day of the "Targi Kielce Industrial Autumn", awards and prizes were presented for products and best expo stand arrangement. Smarttech, celebrating its 20th anniversary, was also honoured during the gala ceremony
20 september 2022
On the first day of the "Targi Kielce Industrial Autumn" there was a meeting of the Katowice branch of the Foundry Commission of the Polish Academy of Sciences. Prizes and awards were presented to the winners. Professor Wacław Sakwa awards for the best master's and engineering thesis in foundry engineering were bestowed
20 september 2022
The metallurgical trade fair began with the ringing of the bell, funded by HÜTTENES-ALBERTUS Polska on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of Targi Kielce. "Industrial Autumn" and its accompanying expos ALUMINUM&NONFERMET, RECYCLING, CONTROL-TECH and HEAT TREATMENT are held from 20 to 22 September 2022 at Targi Kielce.
12 september 2022
We talked to Mr Fynn Willem - Lohe PhD., Secretary General of the European CAEF Foundry Association, discussing Europe’s foundry sector’s standing, ecology and demand for face-to-face meetings
09 september 2022
abas Business Solutions Poland is part of the global abas Group - the leader in the digital transformation of enterprises. During the conference, which complements the METAL expo, the company's employees will tell you what production digitisation is in the metallurgical industry. Optimisation of the eight key areas are also discussed.
09 september 2022
NovaCast Systems has been developing and providing comprehensive solutions in the field of simulation of foundry processes and thermal analysis for over 40 years - they offer technical solutions that reduce the environmental footprint and our mission is to contribute to a re¬sponsible foundry industry.
08 september 2022
Cutting-edge industry technologies and heat treatment of metals, Foundry 4.0 - these and many others will be discussed during the Foundry Goes Green technical seminar held within the scope of the METAL expo, a part of the Targi Kielce Industrial Autumn.
07 september 2022
One of the METAL Expo's accompanying events, part of the Targi Kielce Industrial Autumn, is the Foundry Committee of the Polish Academy of Sciences' session. The event is organised by the Silesian University of Technology and the Polish Academy of Sciences.
01 august 2022
A seminar held under the banner of Foundry Goes Green is part of the METAL expo held at Targi Kielce from 20 to 22 September 2022. The meeting is divided into two thematic blocks; the seminar is a vital complement to the event's offer and agenda.
Opening hours
  • 20 IX 2022
    09:00 - 16:30
  • 21 IX 2022
    09:00 - 16:30
  • 22 IX 2022
    09:00 - 15:00
Opening hours
  • 20 IX 2022
    09:00 - 16:30
  • 21 IX 2022
    09:00 - 16:30
  • 22 IX 2022
    09:00 - 15:00