ALUMINIUM & NONFERMET (20-22.09.2022)
17th International Fair of Aluminium & Technology, Materials and Non-Ferrous Metal Products ALUMINIUM & NONFERMET

BOSIO d.o.o. Industrial Furnace Solutions
- Bukovzlak 109, SI-3000 CELJE, Slovenia
In addition, BOSIO provides industrial furnace solutions especially for forging industry. We provide reheating furnaces up to 1.300°C and heat treatment furnaces up to 1.200°C.
So, our product range includes the following furnace types:
o Camber and bogie hearth furnaces
o Walking hearth furnaces
o Pusher furnaces
o Ring rotary furnaces
o Pit furnaces
o Roller hearth furnaces
Today, company Bosio has over 1.500 successful projects behind them in over 25 countries on 3 continents (Europe, Asia, North America).
Our key competitive advantages are customer-orientedness, flexibility, quality and speed. We provide tailor-made heat treatment solutions, which we develop with our in-house know-how and our own R&D. We are highly adaptable and able to quickly respond to our customer needs. We offer reliable quality products in agreed deadlines in cooperation with a strong network of trusted and reliable partners and suppliers.