ALUMINIUM & NONFERMET (20-22.09.2022)
17th International Fair of Aluminium & Technology, Materials and Non-Ferrous Metal Products ALUMINIUM & NONFERMET
- ul. Metalurgiczna 15f, 20-234 LUBLIN, Poland
Company in Poland, except selling wide range of chemicals products for foundries e.g. resins, protective coatings, separators for all kinds of manufacturing process, pastes and glues for mould and core repairing, exothermic risers, refractories, deals with production of precoated sands and casting cores in hot-box and cold-box technology.
We offer full technical consulting about products, coreboxes design and foundry processes.
Hüttenes-Albertus Polska implemented Integrated Management System acc. to PN-EN ISO 9001: 2015 and PN-EN ISO 14001:2015.
Qualifications of our employees and their devotion to work as well as pro-ecological and pro-qualitative consciousness is a guarantee of continuous improvement.