DOG EXHIBITION (19-20.11.2022)

17. National and the International Pedigree Dog Exhibition

Poodles and dachshunds reigned supreme!

wystawa-psow-2022-galeria-02.jpg [137.89 KB] 7.5 thousand dog beauties and over 5 thousand visitors – these are this year's facts and figures describing the dog festival. The International Pedigree Dog Exhibition and the Terrier Club Show were held in November in the Kielce exhibition and congress centre.

Apart from the most beautiful dogs, many additional attractions awaited the visitors. Dog owners who had left their pets at home willingly visited Zoo Salon and vigorously did shopping. They did not want to disappoint their beloved animals returning home empty-handed without a snack, a new leash or a nice and comfortable bedding. The youngest visitors watched the gripping show - that experience kept the spectators on the edge of the seat. Pugs from the group called "Happy Bread" and police dogs presenting their professional skills were much applauded. There was also a shower of applause for the  "The Sabbath Łysa Góra Show" contestants. There were also traditional sports competitions for the smallest pet lovers.

We have been able to lend a "Helping Paw"

 The International Pedigree Dog Exhibition is much more than an excellent opportunity to admire dog beauties, it also provides the opportunity to help the less fortunate dogs. The show's agenda includes the Targi Kielce genuine campaign - "Lend a  Helping Paw". Again we managed to support the AUREA Golden Retriever Foundation from Warsaw.


18 november 2022
Targi Kielce's Expo Hall will again be a full house hosting dog beauties. The Kielce exhibition and congress centre welcome the dogs which compete in three CACIB Certificates of Aptitude to the International Beauty Contest international competitions. The ZOO SALON Pets Supplies and Accessories Exhibition complements the Dog Show
30 september 2022
In less than two months, the International International Pedigree Dog Exhibition in CACIB rank and the Retriever Club Show will be held in the halls of the Kielce exhibition and congress centre. The ZOO SALON Pets Supplies and Accessories Exhibition complements the Dog Show.
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