EKOTECH (10-11.04.2024)

24th Environmental Protection and Waste Management Expo EKOTECH

Instytut Badawczy Dróg i Mostów

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The Road and Bridge Research Institute (IBDiM) has been dealing with the issues of transport infrastructure. The research and development work performed concern the construction and maintenance of transport facilities, especially roads and road bridges, railroad engineering facilities and underground structures. The Institute's research activities include material, technological, economic and ecological issues.

The main scope of the Institute activities and implementations:
• design, construction and maintenance of road infrastructure,
• testing of materials and products used in transport infrastructure construction,
• assessment of the technical condition of roads and engineering structures,
• geotechnics,
• traffic engineering and safety,
• road management systems,
• traffic telematics, road and engineering structure databases.

The IBDiM develops innovative solutions for construction, repair and maintenance of roads and engineering structures. It designs, develops and carries out the research of sustainable, safe and state-of-the-art materials, technologies, methods and systems. With its scientific and implementation work, as well as expert opinions and consultations, the Institute supports investment projects, modernizations and repairs of roads and bridges and helps to introduce rational road network management systems. High qualifications and experience of scientific and engineering staff as well as cutting edge, often unique laboratory facilities are the Institute's assets.

The Road and Bridge Research Institute is authorized to issue:
• national and European technical assessments,
• certificates authorizing to mark the products with the B construction mark or the CE mark,
• technical recommendations
for construction products used in transport infrastructure construction. In addition, the Institute issues qualification certificates for manufacturing/testing steel bridge structures or for repairing and assembling steel bridge structures.

The IBDiM cooperates with domestic and foreign organizations and research institutions. It is a member of the FEHRL Forum of European National Highway Research Laboratories, the FERSI Forum of European Road Safety Research Institutes and the ERTRAC European Road Transport Research Advisory Council. The IBDiM experts participate in the work of international associations and hold important positions on the boards of prestigious road organizations.

The Institute actively participates and coordinates many projects both international and national. Among the activities carried out with foreign funds there are projects within the EU Framework Programmes, CORNET, EUREKA programme, COST action as well as other research undertakings, e.g. own projects of FEHRL, CEDR, the CONNECT Euroregional project. National co-financing comes mainly from initiatives of the National Centre for Research and Development, the Ministry of Science and Higher Education, the Ministry of Infrastructure and the National Science Centre.
Business sector
Road and railway infrastructure
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