EKOTECH (10-11.04.2024)

24th Environmental Protection and Waste Management Expo EKOTECH

Kopalnia Soli KŁODAWA Spółka Akcyjna

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"KLODAWA" Salt Mine is a long-standing, recognized producer on the market and salt supplier for winter road maintenance. "KLODAWA" Salt Mine offers road salt in three grades:
- DR grade - for direct sprinkling and for preparation of a mixture coarse
- DS grade - for direct sprinkling and for preparing brine
- DA grades - for direct sprinkling and for preparing brine (called "highway salt").
Depending on the destination, we offer road salt in various forms of packaging:
- in bulk
- in big-bags -with plastic bags of 25 kg and 50 kg - in plastic packages a '5 kg
Klodawa road salt has PZH approval and a positive opinion by The Research Institute of Roads and Bridges. In order to maintain a constant quality of the products we offer, all production process is under constant control of our company's laboratory. We invite you to cooperation.
Business sector
Road and railway infrastructure
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