6th International Lifts and Components Exhibition EURO-LIFT

About the event
Ladies and Gentlemen,
The highest business quality of the lifts industry expo has always been our top priority.
Thus, having analysed the calendar of similar industry events held in our country and Europe, together with the co-organisers, we resolved to postpone this year's International Lifts and Components Exhibition EURO-LIFT.
This was a difficult and stark decision. However, the resolution was guided by a profound sense of responsibility and the utmost care for the interests of expo participants. We will make every possible effort to ensure the next expo satisfies your business objectives and brings tangible business benefits to everyone.
We want to thank you for the substantive support and commitment we have received so far. Thank you for being with us for many years.
Feel assured that we will use the time before the next EURO-LIFT commencement to create an even more valuable event for you. We will make it a more attractive space for international business meetings.
We hope that the EURO-LIFT held on the new date provides an impulse to organise a comprehensive meeting of the lift industry in Kielce. We expect the upcoming expo will pay off in the future. Nothing can replace direct meetings and relationships nurtured and developed for years. Subsequent trade exhibitions have only strengthened our bonds.