EXPO-GAS (19-20.04.2023)
12th Gas engineering Fair EXPO-GAS

About the event
The Gas Technology Expo has reconfirmed its top-ranking position!
The twelfth meeting of the gas industry in Targi Kielce turned out to be a success on many levels. The three expo days welcomed over 3,500 industry visitors - business insiders.
– EXPO-GAS class events strongly integrate the gas industry and the market where technology suppliers are active. We found it pleasure to participate again. The 12th Gas Technology Fair EXPO-GAS has become an important platform for exchanging knowledge about the challenges faced by the gas market today. The show is the information source about the latest solutions that respond to the needs of this industry. A large group of exhibitors and visitors confirmed the importance of the event. The global need for changes in fuel distribution management was highlighted in the course of the event, we are heading towards Smart City. This development is possible owing to our intelligent solutions for remote monitoring of meters and automatic control of gas networks. We had the opportunity to present the cutting-edge developments designed to protect the key resources of our clients in Poland and abroad. The expo is a great opportunity for companies to start a partnership dialogue with trusted technology suppliers. This is the focal poin of this event. Certainly, EXPO-GAS is a permanent fixture in the industry calendar - says Artur Gabryś, Director of the SmartCity IoT Industry at AIUT.
The knowledge pool - most recent information on gas
– In 2040, there will be about 15% share of natural gas in the energy balance. In order to achieve energy sovereignty, we must fully use our own resources - said the government's plenipotentiary for . Raw Materials Policy, Minister Piotr Dziadzio during the conference. Natural gas extraction in Poland may be gradually replaced by the development of renewable energy sources. Still according to experts, gas will still play an important role in the Polish energy balance in the coming years.
The guests of the "New technologies for multi-energy" conference also referred to the security of technical solutions in green energy sector, the development directions in multi-energy concerns in the world and in Poland, and financing the energy transformation.
Grand gala in the evening
The gala ceremony also included the awarding ceremony - the best products and services showcased at the EXPO-GAS earned accolades. The gala ceremony was the occasion to award Targi Kielce medals and distinctions, special awards of the Chamber of the Natural Gas Industry as well as the State Decorations from the Ministry of Energy "Meritorious Service for Oil and Gas Industry" in addition to President Andrzej Duda’s Distinctions.