10th The European Exhibition of New Museum Technologies, Art Conservation and National Heritage EXPOSITIO

About the event
Architecture, museum education and knowledge transfer in the digital world - EXPOSITIO 2019 is the only knowledge pool
The European Exhibition of New Museum Technologies, Art Conservation and National Heritage EXPOSITIO and the International Exhibition of Church Construction, Church Fittings and Furnishings and Religious Art SACROEXPO are held in Targi Kielce from 10 to 12 June 2019.
The Polish museums market is now experiencing a renaissance. The Ministry of Culture and National Heritage earmarked over 15 million PLN in 2018 for museums. And this is just a drop in the sea ... of available resources. Of all museum facilities of all types in our country there are over 100 are church museums in the responsibility of dioceses, parishes and congrgations. - These are institutions of culture and thus play a vital role. Not only are they important for making their collections available to the public. They also enhance cultural life animation through meetings, training sessions, vernisages, panels, concerts. To put is in a nutshell - this is evangelization through culture - said Bishop Michał Janocha, chairman of the Chairman of the Episcopate Committee for Culture and Heritage Preservation in his interview with the KAI Press Agency. Polish museums successfully use EU subsidies, adapt old architecture in order for it to respond to the current needs and expand the museums’ offer. EXPOSITIO is an excellent opportunity to present the latest solutions and technologies necessary for securing the existing collections. Above all the expo is designed to raise the standard of services provided by the museums.
You may co-create the exhibition - we welcome all companies whose business activity encompasses the broadly defended architecture and conservation of monuments as well as providers of multimedia equipment and devices for scientific research, knowledge transfer needed in the digital domain. The expo provides a great opportunity to establish direct contacts with customers and perfectly match the offer with requirements.The trade show is also the place to exchange experiences and update knowledge.
EXPOSITIO and SACROEXPO - these exhibition bring together business and culture, exhibitions, festivals and religious art. This is the world’s only exhibition where the Pontifical Council for Culture Medal “Per Artem ad Deum” has been awarded for thirteen years.