A.V.Saldature is producing all kind of materials for a brazing process, such as:
• Paste for furnace brazing;
• Sliver pastes for a tools production;
• Active brazing pastes for a Vacuum furnace;
• Metal powders;
• Silver alloys in rods, rings or wire;
• Flux coated silver alloys;
• CuP alloys;
• Fluxes in powder and paste;
• Liquide fluxes;
• Brass alloys;
• Aluminum alloys in wire, rods and rings;

From 2024 we add into our offer a weliding materials, such as:

• Welding wire SG1
• Welding wire SG2
• Welding wire SG3

A.V.Saldature is producing in Italy and we are having an offices in Poland, Czech Rep. and China.
Couple of years ago we create a new project called AVMetals. It is focus on metal powders and pastes made from them.
We produce our materials according to an ISO standard but we are open for every composition according to a customer needs.
Business sector
Working of pipes and sections
Soldering equipment and accessories
Welding materials
Heat treatment
Welding, laser welding
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    Opening hours
    • 19 III 2024
      09:00 - 17:00
    • 20 III 2024
      09:00 - 17:00
    • 21 III 2024
      09:00 - 17:00
    • 22 III 2024
      09:00 - 15:00