LAS-EXPO (8-10.03.2024)

23rd Timber Industry & Forest Resources Management Fair LAS-EXPO


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Sano is the most famous feed manufacturer, present in Poland for 30 years. As many 66% of farmers consider Sano the most friendly feed company. Our products are distinguished by the highest quality and innovative composition. Thanks to Sano, every farmer can get more than 10,000 kg milk from a cow and 60% of meat from fatteners.
Sano Agrar Institut is the largest farm in Poland with 1,700 dairy cows with a yield of 13,000 kg milk. Here we also test and develop innovative products and feeding programs for cows, calves and heifers. On this farm, we were the first in Poland to implement feeding cows with one dose of TMR based on feed mixers.
Sano has been selling for 20 years Siloking feed mixer knows for their high strength and reliability, which are already working in 4,000 Polish farms. Previously, our feed mixers were known to farmers under the Sano TMR Profi brand. Currently, Sano is the only official representative of Siloking in Poland and offers self-propelled SelfLine and TrailedLine feed mixers. There are 35,000 Siloking machines operating in over 50 countries around the world, of which over 3,000 are self-propelled feed mixers.
Siloking feed mixers are Premium products with innovative and intelligent solutions of modern feeding technology. Thanks to this, they are a response to the needs of the market and even the most demanding breeders. Siloking feed mixers are a sure investment for many years.
Business sector
Fodder cars, silage cutters
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    Opening hours
    • 08 III 2024
      10:00 - 17:00
    • 09 III 2024
      09:00 - 17:00
    • 10 III 2024
      09:00 - 17:00