Foundry Goes Green 2024 Seminar

Date: Day I and Day II of the Expo – 24-25 September 2024
      time: 11.00-13.00

Venue: Speech Arena 

The seminar offers an insight into modern industry technologies, heat treatment of metals and many other topics. The FOUNDRY GOES GREEN seminar targets the presidents, directors of foundries and heads of development and technology departments.

Foundry is an energy-intensive industry with high CO2 emissions;  therefore, high energy prices and penalties for environmental pollution force this sector to change. The search for new technologies and, of course, savings is a must. We look forward to seeing companies that provide ecological solutions at the seminar. Financial institutions will also present financing offers with money earmarked for plant transformation.

Targi Kielce has organised expo-accompanying events for years. This year, the METAL - foundry technology trade fair witnesses the second FOUNDRY GOES GREEN seminar. We will discuss the essential issues from the ecological and energy-saving perspectives, questions that are pivotal for the broadly defined MODERN FOUNDRY. We will also mention Industry 4.0 and clean air technologies and also touch upon the cutting-edge heat treatment of metals.


Register for the seminar


Contact - Targi Kielce
Urszula Wasinska
tel. 600 265 587

Opening hours
  • 24 IX 2024
    09:00 - 17:00
  • 25 IX 2024
    09:00 - 17:00
    Opening hours
    • 24 IX 2024
      09:00 - 17:00
    • 25 IX 2024
      09:00 - 17:00