METAL (24-25.09.2024)
25th International Fair of Technologies for Foundry METAL

Foundry Goes Green seminar
Foundry Goes Green 2024 Seminar
Date: Day I and Day II of the Expo – 24-25 September 2024
time: 11.00-13.00
Venue: Speech Arena
The seminar offers an insight into modern industry technologies, heat treatment of metals and many other topics. The FOUNDRY GOES GREEN seminar targets the presidents, directors of foundries and heads of development and technology departments.
Foundry is an energy-intensive industry with high CO2 emissions; therefore, high energy prices and penalties for environmental pollution force this sector to change. The search for new technologies and, of course, savings is a must. We look forward to seeing companies that provide ecological solutions at the seminar. Financial institutions will also present financing offers with money earmarked for plant transformation.
Targi Kielce has organised expo-accompanying events for years. This year, the METAL - foundry technology trade fair witnesses the second FOUNDRY GOES GREEN seminar. We will discuss the essential issues from the ecological and energy-saving perspectives, questions that are pivotal for the broadly defined MODERN FOUNDRY. We will also mention Industry 4.0 and clean air technologies and also touch upon the cutting-edge heat treatment of metals.
Lectures - 24 September
Title: Foundry goes green with Abas ERP: system implementation answers the challenges of domestic foundries.
Speakers: Andrzej Ładysz and Adrian Jonczyk, ABAS Business Solutions Poland Sp. z o.o.
Title: Electrification of industry. Challenges and benefits in the 21st century.
Speaker: Michał Karol Kozak, KANTHAL
Title: Heat treatment. Extension of technological possibilities of hardening and induction brazing with a wide frequency range generator.
Speaker: Krzysztof Konopka, Ph.D. - President of ELKON Sp. z o.o., Silesian University of Technology - Faculty of Electrical Engineering,
Dr.-Ing. Zdzisław Konopka - Vice-President of ELKON Sp. z o.o.
Title: "Reducing the CO2 Footprint of High Pressure Die Castings by Innovative Peripherals"
Fondarex was founded in 1946 as a die casting foundry in Montreux, Switzerland. Six years later, FONDAREX pioneered the first vacuum system, revolutionizing the die casting industry. As a technology leader in vacuum systems for die casting, FONDAREX has a global presence, serving over 900 customers in more than 50 countries. To enhance presence and customer support, Fondarex Europe GmbH in Dillingen, Germany, and Fondarex (Wuxi) Machinery Co., Ltd in Wuxi, China has been established in 2022. FONDAREX continuously implements innovative ideas to optimize die casting peripheral devices, in collaboration with customers, universities, and research institutes. Our goal is to unlock new possibilities, increase productivity, reduce costs, and minimize the carbon footprint of die cast products.
Speaker: dr Andreas Mertz
Lectures - 25 September
Title: Latest artificial intelligence solutions in the foundry industry. Smart Quality system for cast iron and pressure vessel to optimise production processes using artificial intelligence - SMART FOUNDRY
Speaker: Paweł Malinowski, Smart Foundry Sp. z o.o.
Title: Investment opportunities - Special Economic Zone STARACHOWICE S.A.
Speakers: Aleksandra Woźniak-Czaplarska – Zastępca Dyrektora Biura Zarządzania Obszarem i Obsługi Inwestora, Monika Zielińska - Sp. ds. administracji.
Title: Offer of European Funds for Entrepreneurs
Speaker: Anna Koszykowska, specjalista d/s Funduszy Europejskich, Urząd Marszałkowski Województwa Świętokrzyskiego
(European Funds Information Point) The Point is part of a project implemented by the Ministry of Funds and Regional Policy under which it provides free information to all interested parties including entrepreneurs. The Information Points provide an INNOPOINT service within which each entrepreneur will be able to obtain free information and subsequent free advice. Counselling is offered to any entrepreneur who has an interesting, innovative idea and would like to realise it using co-financing under the European Funds for the years 2021-2027, especially the new programme ‘European Funds for Modern Economy’.
Anna Koszykowska
Title: CBAM and carbon tax - how to report emissions wisely and correctly in imports?
Speaker: Anna Żurawiecka, Ekspert ds. CBAM - Green Reporting Sp. z o.o.
Anna Żurawiecka
Contact - Targi Kielce
Urszula Wasinska
tel. 600 265 587