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The Sider Technology company operates in the foundry sector, designing and building machines and plants in Italy and abroad. Thanks to the many years of experience of its employees, the company is a reference company both for NO-BAKE foundries and for all those cast iron foundries that want efficient, economical and low environmental impact casting technology.
Initially used in small foundries, currently there are rotary kilns operating with a production of 15/20 t / h. Particular sensitivity towards the environment is also demonstrated thanks to the construction of sand / silicate recovery plants in addition to those for sand / phenulfuran resins: the use of silicate is an excellent technological innovation when compared to that of resins.
At the moment we can count on numerous functioning plants built with our technology in Europe. The company activity is organized starting from the design of the system, to move on to construction, pre-assembly and checks, to finish with on-site assembly and testing, as well as subsequent maintenance and technical assistance.
Business sector
Design and production of foundry equipment
Moulding and core-making machines
Equipment for moulding sand preparation, reclamation of quarzsand
Melting of casting alloys, furnaces and charge materials
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Opening hours
  • 24 IX 2024
    09:00 - 17:00
  • 25 IX 2024
    09:00 - 17:00