NECROEXPO (3-5.06.2022)

9th International Funeral and Cemetery Fair NECROEXPO

Sereni Polska

  • Jan van Gentstraat 7/402, 2000 Antwerpen, Belgium
Who are we?

Sereni is the first true partnership network of quality funeral enterprises. As long-standing experts in the funeral industry, we know very well the challenges that funeral home owners have to deal with every day. That's why we offer our partners support in all work processes, so that they can spend more time on themselves and their private lives - while being able to focus again on the essence of their job - providing their clients with a personalised funeral and bereavement experience.

How do we help?

We are able to adapt to your needs and offer support in many dimensions, including

Relieving you of the administrative burden

Every day you face problems that are only marginally related to funeral issues. Administrative and financial issues, organisation of staff, taxes... all these tedious activities take up time and do not bring you any closer to your goal of taking care of the bereaved. Sereni has extensive experience in integrating administrative processes, relieving the burden on our partners.

Support in financing and business management

You have ideas for developing your business, improving and enhancing your services but lack the time and resources to implement them. Your plans come to nothing and this can lead to further frustration. Our experts and capital resources are able to help you realise these plans and bring them to the highest level.

Succession planning

You would like to retire but are unsure what to do with the business. A possibility is an uncertain sale or closure of the business. Sereni will help you prepare the succession and offer you an attractive cooperation.
Business sector
Funeral parlours
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    Opening hours
    • 03 VI 2022
      10:00 - 17:00
    • 04 VI 2022
      10:00 - 17:00
    • 05 VI 2022
      10:00 - 15:00