NECROEXPO (7-9.06.2024)
10th International Funeral and Cemetery Fair NECROEXPO

International time-trial competition in grave-digging
1ST DAY OF THE NECROEXPO 7 JUNE 2024 (FRIDAY), 1:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m., outdoor expo grounds at gate no. 6.
Organised by NECROEXPO, Funeral V4 Visegrad Group
Technical Partners of the event: MITKO Sp. z .o.o., LDM Electronic Sp. z o.o.
Gravediggers from Poland, Hungary, the Czech Republic and Slovakia take part in the competition;
the players' task is to dig a 200 cm x 90 cm and 160 cm deep grave.
A 5-person international jury panel will judge and supervise the competition.
The jurors will evaluate:
- the way the grave is dug and then filled in,
- accuracy,
- time and aesthetics,
- grave filling and filling time,
Each team is provided a cross to complete the grave project.
Necroexpo industry expo is free to attend, after prior registration on the website is required. .