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Prosektor - the exclusive distributor of Dodge (The Mazwell) products in Poland. Our range includes the highest quality tools and products for post-mortem cosmetology, embalming, post-accident reconstruction, and comprehensive preparation of the deceased for burial. Dodge is an American manufacturer - a family-owned company established in the late 19th century. Today, the company's products are available worldwide and are highly regarded by industry professionals. The company boasts several inventions, with the leading one being the embalming pump. The brand is also renowned for its formaldehyde-free product line. The wide assortment offered by the manufacturer allows mortuaries to be fully equipped with all the necessary tools and products, characterized by high quality, efficiency, and the ability to achieve spectacular results. We invite everyone to visit Prosektor at the Necroexpo trade fair, where we will gladly provide all the necessary information.
Business sector
Cosmetics and embalming agents. Training in funerary practices
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    Opening hours
    • 07 VI 2024
      10:00 - 17:00
    • 08 VI 2024
      10:00 - 17:00
    • 09 VI 2024
      10:00 - 15:00