Zakład Handlowo-Produkcyjny "KOBAX" - Krzysztof Pająk

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The founder of Calvarianum is Mr. Krzysztof Pająk, who has been running the company KOBAX from Kalwaria Zebrzydowska for over 45 years. As of 2024, the company employs more than 90 workers and is actively engaged in the furniture industry, producing furniture, window sills, and fronts.

Possessing an extensive machinery park and aiming to address environmental concerns, the company's president initiated the "Calvarianum" project in 2017, which aims to create coffins and urns from post-production materials. The Calvarianum brand, which is gaining increasing recognition in Poland as well as in Hungary and Austria, has a separate division (production, customer service office, and even its own transport fleet with sales representatives).

Calvarianum proudly presents a new line of eco-friendly coffins and urns, born out of concern for the natural environment. The primary material used in production is RFGB (Recycled Factory Glued Board) and recycled wood.

RFGB is a material made from post-production waste, representing a completely new approach in the funeral industry, traditionally dominated by wooden products. Using this material in the production of coffins and urns not only reduces the amount of waste but also minimizes the negative environmental impact inherent in traditional production processes based on logging.

Calvarianum's revolution demonstrates that the funeral sector can contribute to environmental protection by employing sustainable production methods. Introducing RFGB coffins into the mainstream requires educating and promoting the ecological benefits and long-term advantages.

Using RFGB allows for the exploration of new forms and aesthetics in coffin and urn design. This could attract new customer segments seeking unique, personalized solutions for farewells to loved ones.

The company invites all funeral home owners to cooperate. t: +48 534 241 410 e:
Business sector
Coffins and sarcophagi
Urns and urn containers
Arts and crafts works (artistic masonry, foundry, metalwork, ceramics, stucco decoration, painting, stained glass art, gold plating, etc.) and conservation services
Funerary accessories
Florist art (wreaths, bouquets, flowers, plants, decorative and constructional accessories, etc.)
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    Opening hours
    • 07 VI 2024
      10:00 - 17:00
    • 08 VI 2024
      10:00 - 17:00
    • 09 VI 2024
      10:00 - 15:00