PLASTPOL (23-26.05.2023)

27th International Fair of Plastics and Rubber Processing PLASTPOL


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Italrec offers its Customers solutions able to satisfy the highest high quality standards of the final product required by the today's market . Our systems allow the user to process a high range of plastics ensuring the maximum performance , even to the less user expert, thanks to the particular attention dedicated to ease of use .
Production totally handcrafted using only certified and top quality materials . Manufacturing and manufacturing production processes guaranteed by the ISO 9001: 2015 Certification
The “DEC” ® continuous extruder densifier is a patented machine that finds multiple applications not only in the plastic sector , but is also perfectly suited to the processing of combined or waste materials . This machine was born as a densifier for non-rigid plastics, designed with the aim of to reduce the percentage of residual moisture , reducing consequently weight and volume, obtaining a considerable economic savings in terms of logistics and transport.
Later it was modified and implemented until it became the incomparable tool and essential for all those processes that no other machine , as of today, is able to do..

A dosing system and controlled feeding, two screws co-rotating machined from solid with a particular coating and a special patented valve , make DEC the ideal machine not only for laminate films or packaging, but above all for work and enhance those plastic that are normally considered non-recyclable waste.

In its special laminating chamber you can work:
- Materials with very high residual moisture (up to 35-40%)
- PLASMIX (COREPLA reject, food packaging and multi-layer )
- Heterogeneous waste or for the production of Eco-fuels (RDF)
- Composite materials (blend of wood-plastic, rubber-plastic)
- Processing waste (Car Fluff , plastics RAEE , plastics from Pulper )
- Products that are difficult to separate (such as tank bottoms, powders, etc.)
Business sector
Other machinery for plastics processing
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