PLASTPOL (23-26.05.2023)

27th International Fair of Plastics and Rubber Processing PLASTPOL


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We are a small group of technicians who started this trip, ... we are the people / collaborators who have joined us over the years, ... we are the partners who support us to materialize, ... and all together ... we are a network of success with more of 35 years of experience.

Today the SOCEM GROUP is multicultural and diversified, taking a unique and innovative approach to the markets. We understand the significance of globalization and the importance of being present at strategic points. Portugal, Brazil, Mexico and China currently represents the value of our brand all over the world. INNOVATION - DESIGN - CREATION are present in our DNA and these factors allow SOCEM to convert ideas into results. GRUPO SOCEM is and will always be a leader in mold engineering solutions and we believe in our motto to always be one step ahead - ONE STEP AHEAD.
Business sector
Mould and implements
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