POLSECURE (25-27.04.2023)

2nd International Expo POLSECURE


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Elvys Ltd. since 1991 develops and manufactures professional communication systems designated for mission critical environment.
Our solutions range from small analog controllers to large digital systems possibly networked over wide areas. For over 15 years we have deployed many of our systems in variety of public safety sectors, transports, energetics etc. Our solutions are always customized to satisfy even very special needs of our clients and at the same time ensure 99.99% reliability.

Nowadays we more and more often participate in providing solutions for construction of integrated dispatching positions, responding to the need of combining various communication channels of separate organisational units (Police, Fire Brigade, Ambulance Service etc.) within one location of dispatching positions. Examples of such implementations are integrated crisis management centres built in order to increase the level of public safety in the area of one agglomeration or region.

Another area of our activity is the modernisation and digitisation of radio networks, where we can offer integration tools allowing for gradual migration from older analogue systems to modern digital radio communication networks. An unquestionable benefit for users of our systems is the unification of the platform, which makes it possible to meet their special requirements at all levels and, at the same time, ensure the high reliability necessary in critical application environments.

The Multikom system, which has been our main product for over twenty years, has undergone significant evolution from an analogue version to the current solution, which works natively in IP technology and has the capacity to build dispatcher communication systems of virtually unlimited capacity
Business sector
Command and control: communication
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Elvys Polska
    Opening hours
    • 25 IV 2023
      10:00 - 17:00
    • 26 IV 2023
      10:00 - 17:00
    • 27 IV 2023
      10:00 - 15:00