SACROEXPO (19-21.06.2023)

24th International Exhibition of Church Construction, Church Fittings and Furnishings and Religious Art SACROEXPO

Tadeusz Molga Malarstwo Sakralne

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Tadeusz Molga (born in 1955) painter, conservator and art historian, graduate of the Warsaw Academy of Fine Arts (diploma with distinction in 1986) and the Warsaw Theological Academy, member of the Association of Polish Artists and Designers.

A son of a well-known artist Jan Molga (died in 2001).

Completed studies of fine art history as well as conservator’s and copyist’s work of long standing helped the painter to get thoroughly acquainted with early masters’ techniques and to learn old-school easel painting. He uses these skills by creating paintings inspired by art of past ages.

Tadeusz Molga has presented his works to the public on numerous exhibitions. His paintings can be found in churches, museums and private collections both at home and abroad.
Business sector
Art - Painting
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