SACROEXPO (10-12.06.2024)

25th International Exhibition of Church Construction, Church Fittings and Furnishings and Religious Art SACROEXPO

Black&Purple || JUSTA Wójcik Sp. J.

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JUSTA is a family company established in 1980. From the beginning we have specialized in manufacturing men's shirts. The company introduced a new brand of clerical shirts and marketed under the name black&purple. The offer is directed to the customer who values the products of careful execution, with the highest quality fabrics, elegant and yet practical. Fabrics from which we make our shirts were chosen in terms of performance, pleasant to the touch, comfortable. In our new of shirts offers clerical shirts made from fabrics with interesting textures, weaves create interesting color sets the behavior of classical elegance.

JUSTA e` un`azienda familiare fondata nel 1980. Dall`inizio dell`attivita` ci siamo specializzati nella produzione delle camicie da uomo.
L`azienda ha introdotto nel mercato le camicie sacerdotali con il marchio black&purple. L`offerta e` fatta  al cliente che apprezza i prodotti con finitura precisa, di tessuti d`ottima qualita`, eleganti e nello stesso tempo pratici. I tessuti, con i quali facciamo le nostre camicie, sono stati selezionati secondo le loro proprieta`d`uso, sono lisci al tatto, confortevoli. Nella nostra offerta proponiamo le camicie sacerdotali con tessuti di  trama interessante, e con intrecci che creano una bella serie di colori rispettando un`eleganza classica. ||
Business sector
Clothing - Priest shirts
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    Opening hours
    • 10 VI 2024
      09:00 - 17:00
    • 11 VI 2024
      09:00 - 17:00
    • 12 VI 2024
      09:00 - 16:00