Effective and easy way to promote your company.
There is no other marketing tool with as many functions as trade fairs. This is where you conclude contracts, build your company's image, find new business partners and maintain relations with the current ones.
The trade fair offers a myriad of possibilities to present your company not only during a fair event but all year round. Don't miss the opportunity!
Large-format advertising at the expo grounds
Large-format advertising at the expo grounds

Advertising banner on the expo hall facade
A banner, dimensions: 550x400 - 600 cm (W x H) displayed on the
A, C, F and G expo halls' facade
The indicated price includes production, assembly and display in the place indicated by the Targi Kielce exhibition and congress centre, the design services - free.
Subject to availability. Processed upon first come - first served principle.

Advertising banner inside the expo hall
A banner - dimensions: 400 x 200 cm (W x H) displayed at the entrance zones
The indicated price includes production, assembly and display in the place indicated by the Targi Kielce exhibition and congress centre, the design services - free.
Subject to availability Processed upon first come - first served principle.

Advertising banner on fencings inside expo grounds
Advertising banners - dimensions 250x150-200 (WxH) displayed on metal railings inside the TK expo grounds.
The indicated price includes production, assembly and display in the place indicated by the Targi Kielce exhibition and congress centre, the design services - free.
Subject to availability Processed upon first come - first served principle.

Advertising banner on the Targi Kielce external fences
An advertising banner - dimensions of 500 cm x 150 cm (W x H) can be displayed on the fence along the pedestrian passage at the main entrances to the TK premises.
The indicated price includes production, assembly and display in the place indicated by the Targi Kielce exhibition and congress centre, the design services - free.
Subject to availability. Processed upon first come - first served principle.

Free-standing advertising wall
An advertising wall (octanorm system) of the 100 cm x 250 cm* display area (width x height), set in the place indicated by the TK after consultation with the Ordering Party.
The indicated price includes production, assembly and display in the place indicated by the Targi Kielce exhibition and congress centre, the design services - free.
Subject to availability. Processed upon first come - first served principle.
* applies to one side of the wall

Advertising graphics at the entrance to E expo hall
Making an advertising space available - the dimensions: 380 cm x 150 cm* (width x height) on the facade at the entrances to E expo hall.
The indicated price includes production, assembly and display in the place indicated by the Targi Kielce exhibition and congress centre, the design services - free. Subject to availability Processed upon first come - first served principle.
Subject to availability Processed upon first come - first served principle.
* one-sticker size

Stickers on the entrance doors to the E Expo Hall - the largest expo pavilion
Advertising stickers - dimensions: 95.5 x 201 cm* (width x height). 9 pieces can be displayed on each side.
The indicated price includes production, assembly and display in the place indicated by the Targi Kielce exhibition and congress centre, the design services - free.
Subject to availability. Processed upon first come - first served principle.
*the given dimension applies to one module - 4 modules are available on each side of hall E

Stickers on the entrance terminals' doors
Advertising stickers at Eastern Terminal (Zakładowa street) - dimensions: 100x108 cm* (width x height). 5 pieces can be displayed on each side.
Advertising stickers at Western Terminal (Markowskiego street) - dimensions: 66x230 cm* (width x height). 6 pieces can be displayed on each side.
The indicated price includes production, assembly and display in the place indicated by the Targi Kielce exhibition and congress centre, the design services - free.
Subject to availability. Processed upon first come - first served principle.
* one-sticker size

Advertising balloon locations
3x3 m - balloon maximum dimensions, fixed with weights. A balloon is delivered and installed by the customer in the place indicated by TK
Subject to availability Processed upon first come - first served principle.
Price for one balloon locations.

Flags on masts outside the expo halls
Display-space available for advertising flags mounted on 5 m tall masts. Flags should be delivered up to one week before the event commencement date.
Subject to availability. Processed upon first come - first served principle.

Flags on masts inside the expo halls
Display-space available for advertising flags presented on 3.5 m masts. Flags should be delivered up to one week before the event commencement date.
Subject to availability. Processed upon first come - first served principle.

Custom graphic studio services
Advertising swing-signs, graphics on windows and cars and many other advertising forms. Graphic designs and large format prints.
Custom advertisements at the expo grounds
Custom advertisements at the expo grounds

Floor stickers - footprints
20 stickers placed in Expo Halls’ aisles. Sticker's dimensions: 100cmx50cm. Price includes display, production and assembly.
PLEASE NOTE! Number of stickers limited - subject to availability, processed upon first come-first served principle.

Advertising roll-up
An advertising roll-up - the dimensions agreed with the Art Studio Team.
The price includes production, assembly and delivery to the expo stand, design services - free of charge.

Graphic advertising on display at sanitary facilities
210 mm x 297 mm [A4] (W x H) graphics.
The indicated price includes production, assembly and display in the place indicated by the Targi Kielce exhibition and congress centre, the design services - free.
Processed upon first come - first served principle. Subject to availability
Advertising materials distribution
Advertising materials distribution

The right to distribute leaflets during the event
The right to distribute leaflets during the event

Providing space for advertising materials display during an expo
Providing space for advertising materials display during an expo

Advertising materials inserted in packages for exhibitors
Leaflets, folders, business cards, CDs, etc. delivered by the Client In the case of printed materials - maximum size: 2 A4 pages
A limited number of inserts. First come - first served principle applies.

Insert in the journalists and press packages
Leaflets, folders, business cards, CDs, etc. delivered by the Exhibitor In the case of printed materials - maximum size: 2 A4 pages.
A limited number of inserts. First come - first served principle applies.
On-line advertisement
On-line advertisement

A banner on the website - medium rectangle
Banner size 300x250 px, RGB colors, format: jpg, png, gif, up to 100kb. Annual display.

Banner on the website - large leaderboard
Banner size 970x90 px, RGB colors, format: jpg, png, gif, up to 100kb. Annual display.

A rotating banner in exhibitors catalogue - on-line version
Banner size 970x90 px, RGB colors, format: jpg, png, gif, up to 100kb. Annual display.

Advertising banner in the newsletter
Advertising banner, size 650x180 px, format: png, jpg, gif (max 20-25 frames), file size up to 10mb. Applies to a single distribution.

Information about the Company in the newsletter
The text should be sent as plain text (text editor e.g. Word, Notepad), number of characters: 600 with spaces + logo or a photo.
Video, live stream, Google Ads
Video, live stream, Google Ads

Logo in display advertising
Banner advertising to be displayed. The logo should be sent in png. format.

Live Stream from the expo stand / 1h-lecture
Video coverage from the expo stand / film with the Company's presentation - streaming during the expo.

Video featuring the trade fair
Making a video during the expo. A films script to be agreed upon in advance with the Client. A short spot with music or a longer film form available.
Advertisements on screens
Advertisements on screens

Advertising up to 30 seconds, all screens - 1 day of the expo (50 times)
Advertising spots / presentations - up to 30 s
The materials should be sent as graphic files (size 1920 x 1080 pixels, weight up to 100 MB)
- presentations: ppt, pdf files
- static graphics: jpg
- video files: flv, mp4, mov, mpg, avi, mpeg, wmv
NOTE: if there is a conference, congress, training in the conference room where there is the display, the event held in this conference room has the priority to display materials.

Advertising up to 15 seconds, all screens - 1 day of the expo (50 times)
Advertising spots / presentations - up to 15 s
The materials should be sent as graphic files (size 1920 x 1080 pixels, weight up to 100 MB) in one of the following formats:
- presentations: ppt, pdf files
- static graphics: jpg
- video files: flv, mp4, mov, mpg, avi, mpeg, wmv
NOTE: if there is a conference, congress, training in the conference room where there is the display, the event held in this conference room has the priority to display materials.
Advertising in expo materials - available at selected events
Advertising in expo materials - available at selected events

Advertisements in the expo magazine
The expo newspaper - material in printed and / or electronic form containing industry articles, expo floor plans, etc. An advertisement: size 210 mm x 297 mm (width x height) + 3mm bleed, PDF format, Acrobat 4, RGB colour, minimum 300 dpi.
The number of display spots limited - subject to availability, processed upon first come-first served principle.

Personalised invitation for visitors - 500 items
The logo should be sent in the form of jpg, PDF (additionally a book of signs if the Company has one).
The number of display spots limited - subject to availability, processed upon first come-first served principle.

Logo on invitations for expo accompanying events
Accompanying events: bowling events, barbecues, etc. The logo should be sent in the form of jpg, PDF (additionally a book of signs if the Company has one).
Space for only one logo available.
First come - first served principle applies.

Logo on the banquet invitations
The logo should be sent in the form of jpg, PDF (additionally a book of signs if the Company has one).
Space for only one logo available.
First come - first served principle applies.

Logo on the expo-floor plan
The expo-floor plan for a specific expo; the plans distributed among exhibitors and visitors. The logo should be sent in the form of jpg, PDF (additionally a book of signs if the Company has one).

Logo on expo official handbags
The logo should be sent in the form of JPG, PDF (additionally a book of signs if the Company has one) up to one month before the event commencement date.
The number of display spots limited - subject to availability, processed upon first come-first served principle.

Logo on the leashes - 1000 items
The logo should be sent in pdf, .ai, .eps format.
First come - first served principle applies.