EXPO-GAS (19-20.04.2023)

XII Targi Techniki Gazowniczej EXPO-GAS

Armatury Group a.s.

Umów się
Company description:

Global valve supplier for the gas industry
ARMATURY Group is a global supplier of valves for the gas industry. Our highly sophisticated valves are used in gas pipeline networks, gas storage facilities, compressor and meterning stations but also by the petrochemical industry. We manufacture each valve according to the customer requirements to meet the demanding operational and legislative requirements and also provide comprehensive valve lifecycle services.
Most recently, we have been actively engaged in researching and developing hydrogen valves as well as special testing and testing equipment for valves used in hydrogen applications. As a group, we are invested in the green transition and the low-carbon energy networks of the future!
Since 2019, ARMATURY Group has been part of the Vexve Armatury Group, which offers an extensive portfolio of valves for a wide range of industrial applications. The Group is owned by DevCo Partners, a long-term investor, which is dedicated to building world's leading companies in selected niche markets.
Urządzenia, materiały i osprzęt do budowy i wyposażenia gazociągów, stacji redukcyjnych i tłoczni gazu
Pokaż podobne firmy
Godziny otwarcia
  • 19 IV 2023
    10:00 - 17:00
  • 20 IV 2023
    10:00 - 16:00