KONGSBERG is an international technology group that delivers advanced and reliable solutions that improve safety, security and performance in complex operations and under extreme conditions. KONGSBERG collaborates with global customers in the defence, energy, maritime, fisheries, renewable and aerospace sectors.
KONGSBERG's solutions protect people and critical infrastructure in countries around the world. Our defence systems in air defence, surveillance, tactical communication, weapon stations and missiles are at the forefront of development, and help to strengthen countries’ ability to defend themselves against external enemies. KONGSBERG is a growing player in space exploration, where we provide microsatellites and solutions for maritime surveillance.
KONGSBERG aims to safeguard and enhance stakeholder value by engaging in profitable and growth-oriented industrial development with a long-term, sustainable and international perspective.
KONGSBERG is an active value creator in the areas and countries where we are present. Our presence creates significant effects that extend beyond our own business area.
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