Moretto dostarcza pełen zakres urządzeń peryferyjnych do przetwórstwa tworzyw sztucznych, w tym maszyny do podawania, suszenia gorącym powietrzem, odwilżania, mielenia, mikrodozowania, dozowania objętościowego / grawimetrycznego, magazynowania, kontroli temperatury i chłodzenia.
Stworzyliśmy specjalną linię urządzeń dedykowaną obróbce PET.
Ponadto Moretto opracowywuje centralne systemy według potrzeb klientów i dostarcza je pod klucz.
New in 2024, and presented at Plastpol, is the CRX Comb series of Mobilux Dryers.
This compact mobile drying and conveying system couple high-performance dehumidifying dryers, drying hoppers and conveying systems onto compact mobile trolley that can be easily moved in and out of locations as needed.
CRX COMB is built around Moretto’s popular X Comb dryer and each model includes a honeycomb wheel of 100% Zeolite desiccant, and is equipped with anti-stress technology preventing over-drying and automatic modulation of drying air for optimum drying performance with minimal energy consumption. Part of Moretto’s patented anti-stress technology is the manipulation of airflow to adapt to drying needs while maintaining a consistent drying quality. The dryer automatically manages all the other parameters such as residence time, process temperature, air flow and anti-stress.
DGM Gravix 20, high accuracy in microdosing operations
DGM Gravix 20, high accuracy in microdosing operations
The drive to address the requirements of plastics processors, who often need to dose very small material percentages, led Moretto to develop the DGM 20. This blender, built on the technical specifications of the Gravix series, was specifically designed for microdosing applications. Its new hopper design enhances consistent mass flow for precise dosing and utmost accuracy. The double eyelid shutter device, capable of opening and closing in just 25 milliseconds, combined with Rotopulse technology and the free-weighing hopper, make these feeders suitable for all types of dosing scenarios. Thanks to the VIS (Vibration Immunity System), the DGM 20 overcomes a critical issue of gravimetric dosing - vibrations - thus enabling its installation on processing machines.
Dolphin is the fully automatic Moretto sorting unit for material-machine coupling in centralized plastic conveying systems.
The innovative mechanical design of the Dolphin sorting unit is based on a ‘plunge’ movement of the independent mechanical arms which, controlled by a pneumatic cylinder, create a very reliable automation with a positioning speed of just one second.
Dolphin guarantees hermetic coupling of the arms thanks to sealing rings, preventing any risk of contamination of the material from contact with air.
The section of common tube to the different couplings is only 100 mm long to ensure cross-contamination-free transport of materials.
Each arm of the Dolphin control unit has an independent drive. Dolphin requires no maintenance or lubrication and is available in different configurations according to processors needs.
X COMB is an ultra-compact drying system that delivers exceptional manufacturing performance regardless of external ambient conditions. It operates fully electrically, eliminating the need for compressed air, and is specifically engineered for processing technical plastic materials.
Its outstanding performance is achieved through innovative design features such as the honeycomb desiccant rotor with molecular sieves made of 100% zeolite.
The dryer’s “adaptive” feature ensures a very gentle and consistent polymers treatment with dew point levels up to -52°C. Two powerflow HYPER FLOW turbocompressors only supply the required airflow optimizing the energy consumption. The original OTX (Original Thermal eXchanger) hopper can reach efficiency levels which are unique in the drying equipment market.
X COMB was developed using advanced thermodynamic simulation software.
Inne maszyny i urządzenia do przetwórstwa tworzyw sztucznych
Urządzenia peryferyjne
Aparatura pomiarowa, sterowniki, regulatory
Maszyny i wyposażenie do wyrobu i recyklingu tworzyw sztucznych
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