Mazzon is located in Schio, in the North-East of Italy and is an active supplier in Foundry Industry since 1962. In 2018 it merged with HA Group, one of the worldwide Leaders in the production of chemicals for foundry.

Mazzon is focused on the production and the supply of chemicals for foundry. Its products’ portfolio covers a wide spectrum: no-bake systems (furanic, phenolic, alkyd and polyurethane), cold-box and hot-box binders, insulating refractory coatings in alcohol and water, additives, glues and release agents.

In the direction of our strategic target on sustainability, the latest released product is a harmless no-bake furan resin, the product is not labelled as toxic.

Mazzon’s technical and sales area managers, guarantee a continuous support to the customers in local language.
Business sector
Moulding materials, sand, bentonite, binders
Auxiliary materials for foundry practice, foundry ceramics, chemical
Refractories materials for foundry practice
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