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Kids' Time Business Forum – workshops, seminars and meetings held within the scope of the child-product business sector expo

For three days, the Kids' Time Expo's Business Forum stage will host lectures delivered by Polish and foreign experts who will share their knowledge on key issues related to the toy market, current trends in the children's goods industry and legal and licensing issues. This year's lecture zone promises to be exceptional, and the extensive list of speakers from Poland and abroad ensures a high level of expertise. Renowned industry authorities will share their knowledge and experience, present market analyses, and chair discussions on topics related to the children's industry.

Meet this year's speakers and titles of presentations:

Paweł Szmidt, Business Development Manager in RMD Research
Paweł Szmidt, Business Development Manager in RMD Research

He will provide a detailed overview of the latest data on the toy market in Poland, including market value analysis and key segments that showed the highest sales growth in 2024.

pawel-szmidt-firma.jpg [13.59 KB] He will also discuss which toy categories dominated the market, pointing out the products that enjoyed the most significant interest among consumers. In addition, the speaker will present development forecasts for this sector, considering changing consumers' preferences, technological innovations and the potential for expansion into foreign markets.

Piotr Wita, Owner of the Szkrab Wita brand and the Szkrab Wita Prams store
Piotr Wita, Owner of the Szkrab Wita brand and the Szkrab Wita Prams store

This speaker will recapitulate the current situation of Polish stroller manufacturers, presenting the sector's history, development, and importance for the Polish economy. He will discuss the key stages that contributed to the growth of this segment and the impact of pram and stroller production on employment and innovation in Poland.

piotr-wita-firma.jpg [51.75 KB] Next, he will focus on the current situation in the pram stroller market, analysing the latest sales data, changing consumer preferences and the challenges facing Polish producers, including international competition and the trend of sustainable development.

Tomasz Bruss, founder and president of MediaFarm – Interactive Media Sales House
Tomasz Bruss, founder and president of MediaFarm – Interactive Media Sales House

The topics of the lecture:  "Ad campaigns that sell:  How to reach children in the multiscreen era? " Conclusions from the research and inspirations from the toy market." The speaker will present effective marketing strategies that reach children and their parents.

Tomasz-Bruss-firma.png [5.55 KB] Based on the results of the "Children on the Multiscreen Web" study, he will present conclusions and inspirations from advertising campaigns on the toy market that have gained worldwide recognition. The Mediafarm company, managed by the speaker, implements spectacular and effective campaigns in the digital environment using video, display, audio and non-standard advertising.

Opening hours
  • 25 II 2025
    10:00 - 18:00
  • 26 II 2025
    10:00 - 18:00
  • 27 II 2025
    10:00 - 15:00
Opening hours
  • 25 II 2025
    10:00 - 18:00
  • 26 II 2025
    10:00 - 18:00
  • 27 II 2025
    10:00 - 15:00