FIELD GUARDS sp. z.o.o.

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We are producent of devices designed to protect agricultural crops from the effects of wild animal feeding.

Our deterrent devices are the result of many years of observing the behavior and habits of various animal species and their reactions to external stimuli. This has allowed us to develop methods that, based on the natural instincts of animals, effectively deter them from agricultural crops without harming them.

Our flagship product is the Field Guard - the most modern device in Europe designed to protect agricultural crops from the effects of wild animal feeding and to protect people and property from large predators. It effectively deters wild boars, roe deer, deer and other animals feeding in agricultural fields and allows you to scare away protected animals such as wolves, bisons, bears. It uses three deterrent stimuli for this - sound, light and smell. These stimuli are based on animal instincts, causing them to feel threatened and to flee. Thanks to this, animals avoid the area where the Field Guard is operating. A single device can protect up to 100 ha of crops, depending on their type and terrain.
Business sector
Other agricultural machines
Agriculture equipment
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Field Guards