Wojskowy Instytut Techniki Inżynieryjnej im. profesora Józefa Kosackiego

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WITI runs research and development projects, implementation works, issues expert opinions, performs operational tests in response to the demands of the Polish Armed Forces.
The Institute carries out scientific and research-development projects in the field of mine warfare and engineer equipment, field fortifications, means for camouflage and engineer reconnaissance, water treatment and quality assessment, electric and electronic systems, generating sets, engineer equipment, as well as bridging and crossing equipment and renewable energy.
WITI renders services for both the military and the civil sector in the field of: assessment of surface and ground water, remote temperature measurement together with the data processing and imaging, recording and analyses of phenomena, which accompany explosions, tests of impact of environmental factors, detection of metal objects in the ground and adaptation of equipment purchased abroad to the Polish requirements. It organizes training for the newly developed equipment and in the field of manufacturing and trade of explosives, weapons, munitions and products and technology for military and police purposes.
Business sector
Classical armament, missiles and explosives
Equipment and materials for chemical weapons
Transport equipment (wheeled, tracked and amphibian), also for special use
Defence infrastructure equipment
Engineering equipment
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    Opening hours
    • 03 IX 2024
      10:00 - 17:00
    • 04 IX 2024
      10:00 - 17:00
    • 05 IX 2024
      10:00 - 17:00
    • 06 IX 2024
      10:00 - 15:00