Xpand (6-7.11.2024)

XPAND - Connecting Businesses Across MENA and CEE

The event will begin in

Introducing XPAND: a dynamic annual event designed to connect businesses across the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region with those in Central and Eastern Europe (CEE). XPAND's inaugural edition aims to be a catalyst for growth, collaboration, and innovation, uniting diverse markets and industries under one roof. Join us to explore new opportunities and foster meaningful connections!



Who Should Attend XPAND


  • Cosmetics Companies:
    With the Polish cosmetics market expected to grow significantly, businesses can capitalize on opportunities to expand their reach and tap into a lucrative sector.
  • Food Industry Professionals:
    The Polish food market's substantial growth presents a prime opportunity for businesses to connect with key players and explore new ventures.
  • E-commerce Enterprises:
    As the e-commerce market in Poland is projected to boom, companies can benefit from insights into market trends and technological advancements.
  • Technology Providers:
    Technology is essential for enhancing the e-commerce experience and improving operations in the cosmetics and food industries. Tech companies can showcase their innovations and form strategic partnerships.

  • Retail Chains:
    Connect with international producers and explore new products to diversify offerings and improve customer experiences through technological integration.
  • Hypermarkets and Supermarkets: Discover innovative solutions and products to meet evolving consumer demands and stay competitive.
  • Shopping Centers:
    Network with leading brands and retailers to attract new tenants and boost foot traffic.
  • Retail Stores:
    Gain insights into market trends and consumer behaviors to grow your business and enhance customer engagement.

  • Wholesalers and Distributors:
    Forge partnerships with producers and suppliers to expand product ranges and market reach.
  • Grocery Store Chains:
    Explore new products and suppliers to keep shelves stocked with the latest and most in-demand items.
  • Hotel and Restaurant Chains:
    Source high-quality products and establish connections with reliable suppliers to enhance service offerings.
  • Fast Food Chains:
    Find innovative ingredients and products to enhance menus and streamline supply chains.


Why Attend XPAND

XPAND is a vibrant platform where ideas converge, collaborations thrive, and opportunities abound. We invite businesses from Tunisia and Poland to join us and immerse themselves in a world of possibilities. Whether you're looking to expand your network, discover new markets, or showcase your innovations, XPAND promises an enriching experience that transcends boundaries.

This groundbreaking event is set to redefine business synergies between MENA and CEE. Together, let's unlock new horizons and build bridges that span continents.

XPAND focuses on B2B meetings, providing an ideal opportunity to expand your potential business partners and customer base. Here, producers will meet representatives from international retail chains, hypermarkets, supermarkets, shopping centers, retail stores, wholesalers, distributors, grocery store chains, hotel and restaurant chains, fast food chains, and catering companies from Poland and nearby countries.

Why XPAND Matters for MENA and Poland

Countries in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region and Poland, despite their geographical distance, share remarkable similarities in their business landscapes and cultural values. All these countries boast vibrant economies driven by innovation and entrepreneurship. The MENA region, renowned for its strategic location at the crossroads of Europe, Africa, and Asia, offers a gateway to diverse markets with its tech-savvy workforce and dynamic start-up ecosystems. Poland, a rapidly emerging economy in the heart of Europe, stands out for its robust manufacturing sector, technological advancements, and skilled labor force.

Participating in XPAND presents a unique opportunity for businesses from MENA and Poland alike to:

Forge Strategic Partnerships:

Connect with like-minded professionals and potential partners from diverse industries, fostering collaborations that transcend borders.


Explore New Markets:

Gain insights into market trends, consumer behaviors, and investment opportunities in both regions, facilitating market expansion and diversification.




Showcase Innovations:

Showcase products, services, and innovations to a global audience, leveraging the platform to enhance brand visibility and attract potential investors.




Celebrating Cultural Similarities

Beyond business, XPAND celebrates the rich cultural heritage and synergies between Tunisia and Poland. Both nations share a deep appreciation for art, music, and cuisine. This convergence of cultures fosters an environment conducive to meaningful interactions and relationship-building.